Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Today's Rabbit Hole To Fall Down Into - Fabris Book 2, and an Accompanying Video

So at the Western Martial Arts Workshop, or WMAW, there's a big Saturday night dinner for everyone. At the dinner, there are typically a number of martial displays that happen. Generally, these are really high quality displays of combat, and I love watching them just to enjoy two very high level practitioners celebrating their art.

This year, there was one that wasn't a timed free bout. It was different, striking, educational, and is going to end up being something I watch a lot, with my copy of Fabris in hand, because I'm That Kind Of Nerd:

Fabris Book 2, Single Rapier

This is super good stuff.


  1. Um.... they really didn't get it right. Many people I trust agree as well. Personally, I would never do a presentation on Book 2 in that venue. I've been studying Book 2 fairly seriously for more than 10 years and I barely understand it. I think showing it to the uninformed is irresponsible, but what do I know? Kevin and Eric are putting together a presentation on it and have challenged me to do one as well. So I have been reviewing it in depth, discussing, and even drilling drilling a touch with my students. Although I rarely use the exact techniques, Book 2 informs my fighting quite a bit. So, drop me a line after you've read it a couple of times.

    1. Hunh, that's interesting; normally I really trust those guys to get it right, allowing for differences in interpretation. (I'm not saying you're wrong, just explaining my original stance.)

      Book Two is my next deep A&S dive, so I'll absolutely be in touch; probably with a lot of questions that begin with "what the hell does he even mean here" or similar.

    2. Kevin covers the problems as well as I can:
      "Ok, so as much as I respect the CSG team for putting those together, I don't agree with their interpretation of this plate.

      First, the attacker is not dropping his body (or the point) as he approaches, so the threat is not as clear. He's also not circling (though the space limits his ability to move to the outside)

      Most important here is that Fabris' description does not include the defender making a cavazione (as he does in plate 120). I think this makes the CGS's interpretation problematic.

      From a pedagogical perspective, it's also a bit out of order.
      Plate 117- how to form the guard
      Plate 118 - how to approach and gain
      Plate 119 - the simplest wound
      Plate 120 - if they cavazione
      Plate 121 - if they don't let you approach on the outside
      Plate 122 - how to find If they drop their point
      Plate 123 - how to wound if their point is low

      This follows pretty closely the order of instruction on pages 177-178 (leoni).

    3. It only now occurs to me to ask - is the discussion about this taking place publicly anywhere that I can see it all?
