But I'm doing somewhat better, so I'm dusting off a draft entry and making it into something useful here! While I'm doing that, let's touch on other stuff that I'm poking at:
- Like I mentioned in a previous entry, I'm poking at some post-period sources which show some serious Fabris influence, mostly to see if they mention anything relevant to his Book Two. I managed to grab a copy of Pascha's "Proper Description of Thrust-Fencing with the Single Rapier," put out by Fallen Rook Publishing. (In the US, it's available from Purpleheart Armory.) Also known by its shelf number of Mscr. Dresd. C. 13, this text has a section which is explicitly the author's take on "The proceeding with resolution" in the style of Fabris! It doesn't seem to have any of the theory, simply the practical flowchart information - overall, that's in keeping with the very straightforward style of this manual - but it's still very interesting to contrast with Fabris.
- Related to the above, I'm hoping to have something reasonable in progress by this weekend to discuss with folks at St. Elegius. If not, I won't beat myself up over it but I'll still try and kick ideas for a paper and display around with people.
- I get to judge a Martial A&S challenge at St. Elegius, and I'm excited about that!
- Before my surgery, I started doing a lot more work with cloak because it was a lot easier on my arm than a dagger was - and wow, it rapidly became one of my most favorite forms. I can't wait to use that as a rehab form and spend more time on it. It's helpful that Fabris' cloak system is extremely simple and straightforward.
Also, I've had some older thoughts kicking around that I kind of want to think-out-loud with up here. At Pennsic (remember Pennsic?) I had a really thought-provoking side conversation with Ibrahim, after the really great Martial Arts and Sciences panel that Doroga put together for us all.
In short, it was "how much does prowess enter into the equation for determining skill at an aspect of historical martial study?" Though it was a short discussion, as we both had things we needed to run off to (in the way of Pennsic) we touched on a number of rabbitholes and I wanted to take some time this morning and kick them around here for thought, in a mostly rambling stream of consciousness post.
So broadly speaking, I think this problem comes about when we consider that - at least in the East, I think - that "martial A&S study" falls into two buckets: that which we can (mostly) do under the existing rapier rule set, and that which we cannot. The latter portion doesn't really impact this discussion; while I've looked at things like sickle combat and the like, we can't do it so we don't really look at "how well someone does it in combat" as part of their evaluation. Okay, so let's just focus on people who study period combat which they can use as part of their rapier (or C&T, whichever) combat.
Before I cannonball into this rabbithole, I want to preface with this: any statements about "what the A&S community is looking for" are coming from my experiences and viewpoint - which could be wrong, or missing some key information. So there's that!
Alright, so. If we're looking at someone who studies a historic master, and dives super deep into them, and learns and teaches and does all the stuff that we want to see out of someone learning a period skill... what do we want to see out of their practical application of that art? (Which is to say, "do we care if they win with it?") This is a weird question to look at, because I can absolutely make arguments on either side of it, or present scenarios where it does or doesn't matter as much.
Part of this discussion is the fact that pure research of skills and knowledge is absolutely a thing. For instance, if someone is studying period shipbuilding, I certainly don't expect them to go out and build a ship as part of their research; that's patently unreasonable. On the other hand, if someone is researching something that they could do, there seems to be an expectation that they go do it to some degree or another - so the hangup becomes "if their depth of knowledge is remarkable, they understand it, they can discuss it, they can teach it, but they lack the practical application of the knowledge, is that enough?"
I'd like to say that, ideally, yes. If someone has read and researched and thought and presented and taught, that should be enough. (My usual analogy here is something like "how many great boxing coaches are also titlewinners? Maybe not a lot, but they still know what they're about.") But on the other hand (there are a lot of other hands in this thought process) I want to be able to really test someone's understanding of how combat should work, and perhaps the best way for that is to actually work through those plays with them on the field. Perhaps that need not be fully combatively - in other words, it need not be an antagonistic and competitive field - but I would still like to work through the plays with someone, and that means that they should be able to perform the actions cleanly and well. To me, that says a lot about their understanding of, appreciation for, and mastery of a concept, technique, and Master.
On yet another hand, I think that how someone approaches it can impact things. Is it purely a line of research for them, or is it a martial art? Certainly, the A&S community has people who do solely research and they're appreciated for it. Also, I think that in many ways, in competitions, martial research is presented as research and not a performance or as a martial art per se. So there's also that.
I'm not sure I have a solid answer for this yet. I know that I really love to see these techniques performed to the fullest extent that we're able - and in some cases that's on the field in armor, and in others that's slowly and carefully in a collaborative setting. Ideally, I think that when performed combatively, practice and understanding of period technique leads to martial prowess - and seeing that played out is also pretty great.
So, yeah. No real answers, but just kicking thoughts around.
With the disclaimer that my martial arts is different from the SCA, I'd add to your boxing coach analogy that I know Masters in my style (Tang Soo Do) who are now older and cannot move like a 20-something. Perhaps another way to measure is through their students?
ReplyDeleteI think it would be really interesting to look at someone who studied a Master and while they couldn't perform the actions themselves, taught them to other people who used them successfully. That would be a trip.
DeleteInteresting. I think this question can actually be asked about any art or craft, but throughout the rest of SCA A&S it's assumed that only one possibility exists.
ReplyDeleteSo, if you research embroidery (as a random example), it's theoretically possible to write papers and articles for TI out maybe even a CA. But, it's generally assumed that if you're studying period embroidery your route to awards is by producing gorgeous embroidery.
But, there already exist martial awards for those who win lots of tournaments. So, there's more of a reason to say that if we're going to award people for their martial A&S we don't have to consider their physical skill.
Yeah, I absolutely agree that in the Greater SCA As A Whole, your route to awards is to *do* the thing you're researching, if at all possible. (Which is why I used the shipbuilding example - I know a Laurel in nautical research, and he's sure never built a ship but he knows a lot about it. But if he *could* have...!)
DeleteI'm not saying that I *expect* people who study a form of historical martial art (in an A&S setting) which can be replicated combatively to Go Win Tournaments if they want recognition under the A&S umbrella. As you say, that's a different track. But if they *can* demonstrate it, would we like to see that and to what extent is it necessary?
Well, now you're getting into a question of how much understanding of the subject can one have without actually attempting to physically perform the thing? That may be where martial arts differ from crafts. You can have a very detailed understanding of most crafts - structure, composition, characteristic factors - without necessarily knowing how to do it (I think this applies to most of archaeology). But, there is a certain point in study of martial arts that I don't think you can get past without actually doing the thing.
DeleteGreat post and questions. Since I started practicing Destreza this has very much been on my mind, "can I do the art justice?". Since I have fallen down the A&S rabbit hole I have started trying to look at what actually defines Martial A&S, while I attempt to broaden that concept as much as possible. I am so happy you have been processing the panel with folks and I would love to speak more about it with you as I am putting together something on it. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteSimilar to you (unshockingly) I'm also dual-tracking my study, and want to both understand, embody, and teach Fabris' rapier and *also* do it justice on a practical level.
DeleteDiving into it from a Martial A&S perspective allows for a much broader discussion though, which I love.
...can we nerd about some things this weekend? I want to bounce some thoughts about Book 2 off you and see how they look to you from your Destreza mindset.
I would love that. We will both be judging the challenge actually so we will have plenty of time to chat all sorts of martial A&S stuff if you like. :-)
DeleteFrom an A&S perspective, prowess is nice but not strictly necessary. An lack of prowess would tend to lead me to expect more from the non-prowess parts of the package. But prowess is also not sufficient, by itself in an A&S setting. And prowess by proxy [students] is a plausible thing, too.
ReplyDeleteOh, absolutely, prowess alone in an A&S setting is insufficient. (That's a different track! ;) ) I'm just more kicking around whether it's necessary at all and if so, to what extent, because I'm trying to figure all this out as I go.
DeleteYeah... using this shipbuilding metaphor, I feel like there are a lot of people who get the "this person makes pretty things, but they haven't gone to the trouble to put together documentation, so nope." It seems like from what I've seen, the A&S track is heavily-influenced by modern academia. So what matters isn't necessarily research into the material itself - what matters is research into what people *say* about the material.
ReplyDeleteI think you might be over-stating it, Lupold. It's not that research into original material doesn't matter - but it's often not easily accessible, so that becomes a consideration in assessing how much to expect from hobbyists. Ideally, good A&S research requires analysis of both primary and secondary sources.
DeleteIt's hard to say that you've researched a type of thing well if you haven't actually looked at any surviving examples. To use my own research into nalbound socks, it would be silly to try and replicate the historical socks without looking at any surviving socks. I haven't actually managed to get my grubby little hands on any surviving examples, but I have collected high-res photos of as many as I can. Primary source material could also be contemporary writings (which I don't have, but are crucial for costume research in other settings).
Conversely, reading what textile archaeologists have said has given me more and better understanding of what I'm looking at when I am looking at surviving artifacts. Also, if I am trying to interpret how something looks in art from Period, I need to get some background understanding of the artistic styles to interpret what I'm looking at. You need an understanding of what historians/archaeologists have been saying your area of research in order to ground your own interpretations of the primary material.
So, yes, it's common to hear discussion of A&S that points out how someone is highly skilled in their craft, but not producing Period-style objects. But I'll tell you that producing pretty shiny things will go a long way among the average SCAdian.